How to view locked Facebook profiles

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  • Post last modified:21 April 2023
How to view locked Facebook profiles

It is not possible to view locked Facebook profile photos and posts without the owner’s permission or without being their friend. This is because Facebook has strict privacy settings that prevent unauthorized users from accessing private information.

When a user locks their profile, they restrict their account’s visibility to only their friends. This action ensures that only those who are already connected to them on the platform can view their profile photos and posts. Locking a profile is a security measure intended to protect users’ personal information from being accessed by strangers or potential hackers.

If you are not friends with the person whose profile you want to view. You can try sending them a friend request. If they accept your request, you will be able to view their locked profile photos and posts. However, if they reject your request, there is no way to view their profile photos and posts without their consent.

It is essential to respect other’s privacy and not try to access their locked profile photos and posts without their permission. Remember that people have the right to control their personal information. And decide who can access it on social media platforms. Attempting to access someone’s locked profile without their permission can be considered an invasion of privacy and may result in legal consequences.

Any alternative way to view locked Facebook profiles

There Is No alternative way to view someone’s locked Facebook profile photos and posts without their permission. It is important to respect the privacy of others and not attempt to access their personal information without their consent.

If you want to see someone’s profile photos and posts. The best approach is to send them a friend request and wait for them to accept it. If you’re unable to view someone’s profile photos and posts due to their privacy settings. There are alternative approaches you can take. One option is to engage with them through comments or messages. Which can help you build a relationship with them and increase the likelihood of them accepting your friend request. By leaving thoughtful and relevant comments on their posts. You can show that you’re interested in their content and value their opinions. Additionally, sending them a message to introduce yourself and explain why you’d like to connect can also be effective. Overall. Building a relationship with someone before requesting to be their friend can lead to a more meaningful and mutually beneficial connection on the platform.

It is important to remember that Facebook has strict privacy policies and any attempt to bypass them could lead to serious consequences. Including account suspension or legal action. It is always better to respect other people’s privacy and maintain a healthy online relationship based on mutual trust and respect.

Can we see by using a third-party app or any extension

I cannot recommend using any third-party apps or extensions to view someone’s locked Facebook profile photos and posts. These apps or extensions are often fraudulent and can pose a serious security risk to your own Facebook account.

Additionally. Facebook Or Facebook Lite has strict policies regarding the use of third-party apps or extensions and any attempt to bypass them could lead to account suspension or legal action.

It is always best to respect the privacy of others and not attempt to access their personal information without their permission. The best approach is to engage with the person through comments or messages and build a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. If they accept your friend request, you will be able to view their locked profile photos and posts.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to viewing locked Facebook profiles:

Can I view a locked Facebook profile without being friends with the person?

No, you cannot view a locked Facebook profile without being friends with the person. Facebook has strict privacy settings that prevent unauthorized users from accessing private information.

Is there a way to view locked Facebook profiles using third-party apps or extensions?

No, it is not recommended to use third-party apps or extensions to view locked Facebook profiles. These apps or extensions are often fraudulent and can pose a serious security risk to your own Facebook account.

What should I do if I want to see someone’s locked profile photos and posts?

If you want to see someone’s locked profile photos and posts, the best approach is to send them a friend request and wait for them to accept it. Alternatively, you can try to engage with them through comments or messages and build a relationship before requesting to be their friend.

Is it illegal to try to access someone’s locked Facebook profile without their permission?

Yes, it is illegal to try to access someone’s locked Facebook profile without their permission. It is always better to respect other people’s privacy and maintain a healthy online relationship based on mutual trust and respect.

What are the consequences of trying to access someone’s locked Facebook profile without their permission?

Attempting to access someone’s locked Facebook profile without their permission could result in account suspension or legal action. It is always better to respect other people’s privacy and avoid any actions that could harm them or violate their rights.


It is not possible to view locked Facebook profiles without the owner’s permission or without being their friend. Facebook has strict privacy settings that prevent unauthorized users from accessing private information. It is important to respect the privacy of others and not attempt to access their personal information without their consent.

The best approach to viewing someone’s locked Facebook profile photos and posts is to send them a friend request and wait for them to accept it. Alternatively. You can try to engage with them through comments or messages. Build a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. Any attempt to bypass Facebook’s privacy policies. Using third-party apps or extensions to access locked profiles could lead to serious consequences. Including account suspension or legal action.

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