How to add promotion to LinkedIn

Add promotion on LinkedIn

As we all know, LinkedIn is a popular social media platform for professionals to connect and network. It offers a platform to the individuals, to the Companies and businesses to promote their brand, products and services. In order to reach a larger audience and increase visibility for your business, adding a promotion can be an effective way. Adding promotion to your LinkedIn can be a milestone in order to become visible over the platform. It shows that you are ready to face challenges and hurdles whatever comes in your way to present yourself in front of such a large community on LinkedIn.

Now, you must be wondering that “how should I add promotion to my LinkedIn?” Well, we have your back! In this guide we will let you know few simple steps through which you can easily set up and launch a promotion on LinkedIn by targeting specific audience and budgeting where you will also be able to see how ads actually work. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of how to add a promotion to LinkedIn.

Why should you Add Promotion to LinkedIn?

Showing a promotion on LinkedIn will update your connections via a notification that you’ve earned a new promotion. This can be beneficial in several ways:

Increased Visibility:

By showing a promotion on LinkedIn, you can increase your visibility and reach a wider audience as LinkedIn is a professional social media platform with a large user base of professionals. This will make your presence on LinkedIn more effective and recognisable.

Targeted Advertising:

LinkedIn offers various targeting options, such as location, job title, company size, etc., which allows you to tailor your promotion to a specific audience. This can lead to more effective advertising and higher conversion rates of your LinkedIn Profile.

Brand Awareness:

By promoting your business or brand on LinkedIn can help you create and maintain brand awareness. You can regularly show promotions which will keep your brand on top of the mind for your target audience and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Lead Generation:

Showing promotions on LinkedIn can also help you generate leads for your business. By targeting the right audience and offering them something valuable, such as a discount or free trial, you can encourage them to engage with your business and become a potential customer.

How to add a promotion on the LinkedIn website

Step 1:

Go to and log into your account.

Step 2:

Click the Me icon in the top-right corner of the screen and click View profile.

view profile

Step 3:

Hover your cursor over the job you want to edit and tap the pencil icon; or if you’re adding a new position, you’d click the plus sign at the top of the “Experience” section of your profile.

pencil icon

Step 4:

If it’s an existing job, click the edit button again.

Step 5:

Add your new job title, and any other details that have changed.

details of new job

Step 6:

To make sure that your connections get a notification about your promotion, turn the toggle switch on to  Share with Network.

toggle on

Step 7:

Click Save.

By following these steps, you can easily set up and launch a promotion on LinkedIn and reach a larger audience for your business or brand.

How to add a promotion on the LinkedIn mobile app

The following steps are same for both Android and iOS users:

Step 1:

Open your LinkedIn app and log into your account, if needed.

Step 2:

Tap your profile picture and select View Profile.

view profile

Step 3:

Scroll down to the Experience section and tap the pencil icon.

pencil icon

Step 4:

Next to the position you want to edit, tap the pencil icon once more.

pencil icon

Step 5:

Make the changes to reflect your promotion. You can toggle on the option to share your promotion with your network, if desired.

toggle on

Step 6:

Tap Save.

Overall, showing a promotion on LinkedIn can be an effective way to increase visibility, target specific audiences, create brand awareness, and generate leads for your business or brand. However, you can explore more options to add if you join LinkedIn Premium.

Key Points to include in the Promotion Post?

  • Give thanks to those who supported you in your time during your last position. You can also tag those people on LinkedIn if they have a profile on the LinkedIn.
  • Briefly shout out the experiences or projects you really enjoyed. You can also add images from your journey as a visual representation of the things you’re writing.
  • Achievements or awards you met
  • Overview of what your position was like and the duration for which it lasted
  • Provide any tips for those at your level of career or anyone who might be interested.
  • Describe how your new job looks and what you’re excited for
  • Give thanks to those who helped you get to your new position
  • Overview of how this position reflects your professional goals or values
  • Practical information to share if the role is looking to be filled by a new employee

When Is The Best Time To Post a Promotion on LinkedIn?

The best time to post a promotion to LinkedIn will depend on your target audience and their behaviour on the platform. However, here are some general guidelines to consider:


Generally, weekdays are the best time to post promotions on LinkedIn as most professionals are active on the platform during business hours.

Morning hours:

Posting promotions in the morning, between 8 am to 10 am, can be effective as many professionals check their LinkedIn accounts early in the day.

Lunch hours:

Posting promotions during lunch hours, between 12 pm to 1 pm, can also be effective as many professionals check their LinkedIn accounts during their lunch break.

Late afternoons:

Posting promotions in the late afternoons, between 4 pm to 5 pm, can be effective as professionals are wrapping up their workday and may be more likely to check LinkedIn before heading home.

Avoid weekends:

Generally, weekends are not the best time to post promotions on LinkedIn as most professionals are not active on the platform during these days.

It’s important to check the best time to post promotion to LinkedIn. This may vary depending on your target audience’s location, industry, and behaviour on the platform. Therefore, it’s a good idea to test and analyse your promotion’s performance to determine the best posting schedule for your business or brand.


In conclusion, adding a promotion to LinkedIn can be a highly effective way to increase your brand’s visibility, target specific audiences, create brand awareness, and generate leads for your business. When adding a promotion to LinkedIn. It’s important to craft a compelling message, use eye-catching visuals, include a clear call-to-action, and target specific audience segments to increase its effectiveness. Additionally, testing and optimising your promotion regularly can help ensure its success. Finally, post promotions during the weekdays. Especially during morning hours or lunch hours, can be the most effective. But it’s important to analyse your audience’s behaviour on the platform to determine the best posting schedule for your business or brand. By following these tips and guidelines, you can add promotions on LinkedIn creatively and effectively to achieve your business goals.


Who can add promotions on LinkedIn?

Anyone with a LinkedIn account can add promotions on the platform, including individuals, businesses, and organisations.

How much does it cost to add a promotion on LinkedIn?

The cost of adding a promotion on LinkedIn will depend on various factors, including the type of promotion, audience targeting, and budget. LinkedIn offers different pricing models, including cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-impression (CPM).

Can I track the performance of my promotion on LinkedIn?

Yes, LinkedIn provides analytics and insights to help you track the performance of your promotions, including clicks, impressions, and engagement. This information can help you optimise your promotion for better results.

What types of promotions can I add on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn offers several types of promotions, including sponsored content, sponsored InMail, and display ads. Each type of promotion has its own set of features and benefits.

Can I target specific audiences with my promotion on LinkedIn?

Yes, LinkedIn offers various targeting options, including location, job title, company size, and more. This allows you to tailor your promotion to specific audience segments and increase its effectiveness.

How long should I run my promotion to LinkedIn?

The duration of your promotion on LinkedIn will depend on your business goals, budget, and audience behaviour on the platform. However, it’s generally recommended to run promotions for at least two weeks to gather sufficient data and optimise your promotion for better results.

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