How to Delete Reddit History?

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  • Post last modified:29 September 2023
Delete Reddit History

Have you ever cringed at an old Reddit post or comment that no longer represents the person you are today? If so, you’re not alone! Many Reddit users wish they could hit the delete button on their digital past. In this blog, we’ll explore the steps to delete your Reddit history and regain control over your online presence. So, let’s embark on a journey of digital spring cleaning and uncover the secrets to wiping the slate clean on Reddit!

Why Delete Reddit History?

Your Reddit history is like a time capsule of your past thoughts and opinions. As you grow and change, some of those old posts may no longer reflect your current beliefs or humoUr. Delete Reddit History can provide you with a fresh start, free from the weight of your digital past.

How to Delete Reddit History Manually

Delete Reddit History manually can be time-consuming, but it allows you to be selective about the content you remove. While manual deletion may take time, it ensures you have full control over what stays and what goes. Follow these steps to start your digital spring cleaning:


Log in to your Reddit account.


Navigate to your profile page.



Scroll through your posts and comments.


Click the “delete” button on the ones you want to remove.


How to Delete Reddit History on Mobile

Delete Reddit History on the mobile app is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to clean up your digital past:

STEP 1: Open the Reddit App

Launch the Reddit app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

STEP 2: Access Your Profile

Tap on your profile icon located at the top left or bottom right corner of the screen, depending on the app version.


STEP 3: Menu list

Once on your profile page, you’ll see various tabs in the menu list. Locate the tab “History”.


STEP 4: Delete History

After tapping on the tab “History”, You’ll see the three dots on right top corner of the window. Click on dots and a message will pop-up saying “Clear History”.

clear history

STEP 5: Confirm Deletion

Tap on “Clear History” and your Reddit History will be gone. Some Reddit apps may prompt you to confirm the deletion before permanently, if prompted, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

How to Delete Reddit History on iOS

Here’s how to do it:

STEP 1: Open Reddit App

Launch the Chrome browser on your desktop or mobile device.

STEP 3: Log in to Your Account

If you’re not already logged in, enter your Reddit username and password to access your account.

STEP 4: Access Your Profile

Click on your profile icon, usually located at the top right corner of the screen, to access your Reddit profile.

profile icon

STEP 5: Go to Settings

Tap your profile avatar in the top right corner. A menu will open on the right side. Select “Settings” at the bottom of the screen.


STEP 6: Locate “Clear Local History”

Scroll down and locate “Clear local history” at the bottom of the screen.

STEP 7: Confirm Deletion (Optional)

Click on “Clear Local History” to permanently delete your Reddit History. In some cases, you may be asked to confirm the deletion before it takes effect. If prompted, follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the action.

clear local history

Third-Party Tools Assistance

For those with extensive Reddit histories, using third-party tools can be a game-changer. These tools are specifically designed to simplify the process of Delete Reddit History. Here’s how to use them safely:

  • Research reputable third-party tools with positive user reviews.
  • Avoid providing your Reddit account details to any unauthoriSed sources.
  • Use the selected tool to delete your Reddit history quickly and efficiently.

By using reputable tools, you can streamline your digital spring cleaning without compromising your security.Enjoy a Fresh Reddit Experience

Tips for Maintaining a Clean Reddit History

Think Twice, Post Once:

Before submitting a post or comment, consider if it aligns with your current views.

Follow Community Guidelines:

Familiarise yourself with Reddit’s rules to avoid future regrets.

Throwaway Accounts:

Use throwaway accounts for sensitive discussions to protect your privacy.

Regular Check-ins:

Periodically review your recent activity and remove any content that no longer represents you.


Delete Reddit History can be a transformative step towards a cleaner online identity. Whether you choose manual deletion or leverage third-party tools, remember to prioritise your digital privacy and security. Embrace the freedom of a fresh start on Reddit, where your present self shines through in every interaction. So, say goodbye to your digital past, and hello to a new and improved Reddit experience by Delete History!

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