How to upload a resume on LinkedIn

Upload a resume on LinkedIn

Upload a resume on LinkedIn profile can help showcase your work experience, skills, and achievements to potential employers. Here is the step-by-step process for uploading your resume to your LinkedIn profile:

  1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and click on the “Me” icon at the top of the page.
  2. Click on “View profile” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Once you are on your profile page, click on the “Add profile section” button located under your profile picture.
  4. Scroll down the list of options and select “Featured.”
  5. From the dropdown menu, choose “Media.”
  6. You will be prompted to choose the type of media you want to upload. Click on “Upload” to select your resume file from your computer.
  7. Once you have selected your resume file, add a title and a description to your resume.
  8. Click on the “Save” button to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile.

After you have uploaded your resume. It will be displayed as a media file on your LinkedIn profile under the “Featured” section. This will allow potential employers to easily access and view your resume when they visit your profile.

how to upload a resume on LinkedIn from the app

Uploading your resume to your LinkedIn profile from the app is a straightforward process. Here is the step-by-step process for uploading your resume to your LinkedIn profile using the mobile app:

  1. Open the LinkedIn app on your smartphone or tablet and log in to your account.
  2. Tap on your profile picture located at the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll down to the “Featured” section of your profile and tap the “+” icon.
  4. From the options that appear, select “Media.”
  5. Select the option to “Choose a file to upload” and navigate to the location where your resume is stored on your device.
  6. Select your resume file and tap the “Done” button.
  7. Add a title and description for your resume in the provided fields.
  8. Tap the “Save” button to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile.

After you have completed these steps, your resume will be displayed as a media file on your LinkedIn profile under the “Featured” section. This will allow potential employers to easily access and view your resume when they visit your profile from the LinkedIn mobile app.

Other Alternative ways how to upload a resume on LinkedIn

There are a few different ways to upload your resume to LinkedIn. Here are three additional methods:

  1. Upload your resume as a job application: When you apply for a job on LinkedIn, you have the option to upload your resume as part of your application. To do this, navigate to the job listing, click on the “Apply” button, and follow the prompts to upload your resume file.
  2. Attach your resume to your LinkedIn message: If you are connecting with someone on LinkedIn and want to share your resume with them, you can attach it to a message. To do this, go to the person’s profile, click on the “More” button, and select “Send Message.” Then, click on the paperclip icon to attach your resume file to the message.
  3. Include a link to your online resume: If you have an online portfolio or personal website that includes your resume, you can include a link to it in your LinkedIn profile. To do this, go to your profile, click on the “Edit” button, and select “Add profile section.” From there, choose “Featured” and then “Links.” Enter the URL for your online resume and add a title and description. Your online resume will then be visible on your LinkedIn profile.


Sure, here are some frequently asked questions about uploading a resume to LinkedIn:

What file format should I use for my resume on LinkedIn?

 You can upload your resume to LinkedIn in either a PDF or Word document format.

Can I edit my uploaded resume on LinkedIn? 

No, you cannot edit your uploaded resume on LinkedIn. You will need to make any edits to the original document on your computer and then upload the new version to LinkedIn.

Can I upload multiple resumes to LinkedIn? 

Yes, you can upload multiple resumes to LinkedIn by adding them as separate media files in the “Featured” section of your profile.

Will my resume be visible to everyone on LinkedIn? 

No, your resume will only be visible to your connections on LinkedIn, or to recruiters and hiring managers who have access to the job application you have submitted.


Uploading your resume to LinkedIn can help you showcase your skills and work experience to potential employers. You can upload your resume as a media file in the “Featured” section of your LinkedIn profile, or attach it to a job application or message. You can upload your resume in either a PDF or Word document format and can make it private by adjusting your privacy settings. Remember that your resume will only be visible to your connections or to recruiters and hiring managers who have access to your job applications.

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