LinkedIn Open Networker – Everything You Need to Know 

LinkedIn Open Networker

LinkedIn Open Networker (LION) is a term used to describe LinkedIn users who are willing to connect with anyone and everyone, regardless of whether or not they know them personally or have worked with them before. These users are typically looking to expand their professional network as much as possible.

LION is often identified by the hashtag #LION in their LinkedIn profile or headline. By using this hashtag, they indicate to other LinkedIn users that they are open to networking and willing to accept connection requests from strangers.

The idea behind being a LION is to expand your professional network beyond your immediate circle of contacts and connect with as many people as possible. This can be beneficial for job seekers, entrepreneurs, and professionals looking to build their personal brands or expand their businesses.

You Can Also Upload a Resume And remove your Resume From LinkedIn So That LION Can Easily Check Your CV.

However, there are also potential drawbacks to being a LION. By accepting connection requests from anyone and everyone, LIONs may open themselves up to receiving spam or unsolicited messages. Additionally, having a large network may mean that the quality of connections is lower, as there may be many people in the network who are not relevant to your industry or profession.

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Linkedin Open Networker

Here is everything you need to know about LIONs and the benefits and drawbacks of being one:

Benefits of being a LION:

  1. More connections: Being a LION means you are open to connecting with a larger number of people, which can result in more networking opportunities.
  2. Greater visibility: With more connections, your profile is more likely to show up in search results and be viewed by more people.
  3. Access to more resources: Having a large network can provide you with access to a wider range of knowledge, skills, and expertise.
  4. Opportunities to connect with influencers: LIONs may have the opportunity to connect with influential people in their industry to who they might not have otherwise had access.

Drawbacks of being a LION:

  1. Spam: By accepting connections from anyone and everyone, LIONs may open themselves up to receiving unsolicited messages and spam.
  2. Diluted network: Having a large network may mean that the quality of connections is lower, as there may be many people in the network who are not relevant to your industry or profession.
  3. Difficulty in managing connections: It can be challenging to keep track of a large number of connections and to stay in touch with all of them.
  4. Potential to harm your reputation: Some people view LIONs as people who are only interested in collecting connections, rather than building meaningful relationships.

How to Become LinkedIn Open Networker (LION):

To become a LION (LinkedIn Open Networker), you can follow these steps:

  1. Update your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your profile is up-to-date and showcases your professional experience and skills.
  2. Set your privacy settings to “Open to Networking”: This will allow anyone to send you a connection request, even if they are not in your network.
  3. Use the LION hashtag in your profile headline or summary: Including the LION hashtag (#LION) in your profile can indicate to others that you are open to connecting with new people.
  4. Join LinkedIn groups: Joining LinkedIn groups related to your industry or profession can provide you with opportunities to connect with other professionals in your field.
  5. Personalize your connection requests: When sending a connection request, make sure to personalize it and explain why you want to connect with the person.
  6. Be active on LinkedIn: Posting content, commenting on other people’s posts, and engaging with your network can help you expand your reach and connect with new people.

It’s important to note that being a LION is a personal choice and may not be the best approach for everyone. Before becoming a LION, consider the potential benefits and drawbacks and decide if it aligns with your professional goals and networking strategy.

Tips for being a LinkedIn Open Networker (LION):

Be clear about your goals: Before connecting with someone, make sure you have a clear idea of why you want to connect with them and what you hope to achieve.

Personalize your connection requests: Instead of sending a generic connection request, take the time to write a personalized message that explains why you want to connect with the person.

Be strategic: Connect with people who are relevant to your industry or profession and who can provide value to your network.

Stay engaged: Once you have connected with someone, take the time to engage with them by commenting on their posts, sharing their content, or sending them messages.



  1. Increased visibility: By connecting with more people, your profile will be more visible on LinkedIn, potentially leading to more job opportunities, collaborations, and exposure.
  2. Access to a wider network: Having a larger network provides access to a wider range of resources, information, and connections.
  3. Opportunities to connect with influencers: LIONs may have the chance to connect with influential people in their industry to who they might not have otherwise had access.
  4. Diversified perspectives: A larger network allows for exposure to more diverse viewpoints and ideas.


  1. Lower-quality connections: With a larger network, it can be difficult to keep up with all the connections and focus on building relationships with the right people.
  2. Potential for spam: Accepting connection requests from everyone can lead to unwanted spam and unsolicited messages.
  3. Networking fatigue: Maintaining a large network can be time-consuming and mentally exhausting.
  4. Perceived lack of authenticity: Some people may view LIONs as people who are only interested in collecting connections, rather than building meaningful relationships.

    Being a LION can be beneficial in terms of expanding your network and increasing your visibility, but it also comes with drawbacks such as receiving spam, diluting the quality of your connections, and the perception of being insincere. It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of being a LION and decide if it aligns with your professional goals and networking strategy. If you decide to become a LION, it is important to be strategic in your approach, personalize your connection requests, and stay engaged with your network.


LinkedIn Open Networkers (LIONs) are LinkedIn users who are open to connecting with anyone and everyone. Regardless of whether or not they know them personally or have worked with them before. Being a LION can have benefits such as increased visibility, access to a wider network, and the opportunity to connect with influential people. However, it also comes with potential drawbacks such as lower-quality connections, spam, networking fatigue, and the perception of being insincere.
If you decide to become a LION, it’s important to be strategic in your approach. Personalize your connection requests, and stay engaged with your network. When searching for LIONs, you can use the LinkedIn search filters to refine your search and find users who are open to networking. However, it’s important to remember that quality should always be prioritized over quantity when it comes to building professional relationships.


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